
Source Foundation

About Us


founded in

The Foundation runs activities aimed at improving the quality of life of children with disabilities and their families as well as at implementing projects that promote children’s physical and mental health and development. By focusing our professional and parenting efforts on our children we:

contribute to their skills development
provide care at home and at the center
provide rehabilitation services as well as adapted special equipment, furniture and goods adapting the environment to meet children’s needs
implement events helping them to better integrate into society

Our Mission

Source Foundation’s mission is to improve the quality of life of children with disabilities and their families.

Our Vision

Source foundation envisions a world in which together we support children with disabilities and their families as much as possible, promote their involvement in society and at work, set new international quality standards and meet them.

Our Values

Social responsibility
Individualized approach

team of high-quality professionals

Our Services

Service of "Personal Assistant"

Speech Therapy and Alternative Communication

Occupational Therapy

Music Therapy

Art Therapy (Pottery)

Service of "Special Pedagogue"

Service of "Psychologist" for children and parents

Kinesiotherapy / adaptive gymnastics

Behavioral therapy

long-term / short-term

Our Projects

"Source House"

“Source House” Development Center is a social project based on an international model, which has been implemented since 2017.

"Personal Assistant"

"Personal Assistant" Project is an exceptional project the main goal of which is improve the quality of life of children with disabilities and their families by providing them with the service of accompanying personal assistants. The program has been implemented since 2016.

Social Enterprise

The production branch of the Source Foundation was established to fill the gap of the production of special equipment and adaptations for children with disabilities in the local market.

Other Projects

Professional trainings for parents, exchange of experience and other projects.
Our partners / Our sponsors